Thursday, September 16, 2010

when the coating under the lashes

when the coating under the lashes, to tighten the chin to where the vertical holding eyelash brush, on the eyelashes, eyelash brush tip from side to side carefully smear. eye liner depiction method a simple one liner, will give people with thick eyelashes, eyes, clear-cut sense, for the eyes to add charm. ARTISTRY r eyeliner smooth texture, color easily, and with a professionally designed soft sponge head, moncler can be detailed outline eyeliner. Eyeliner emulsion formulation, with the shrill hair brush, to create the perfect eye makeup. eye liner depiction: , start at slightly from the eye, as far as possible the pen or pencil dampened with a liner of the liner sweep close to the roots of eyelashes, eyes inward direction back and forth carefully painted. , drawing on the eyeliner, the eyes looking down as much as possible, lift the chin slightly up, with the thumb moncler jackets in the eyelid skin gently Department will move up, so that the roots of eyelashes complete exposed.
drawn under the liner, the eye to the point of view, then from the outside corners inward eye eyeliner. , such as the use of eyeliner, eyeliner unfinished after the eyeliner with a sponge head to look at painting from start to finish, moncler sale so eyeliner the natural integration with the skin. eye shadow eye shadow painting method can create a level of color and three dimensions, can make eyes look lively and attractive non-. ARTISTRY r eye shadow smooth texture, smooth painting, fashion color. shadow of the painting: , up and down method, is simple: to double eyelid fold Department to line the eyes, divided to two parts by smear, can be under the depths of deep and shallow, or shallow. , inside and outside method

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