Monday, October 18, 2010

However, we also see that Li Yuchun in the four years achieved achievements

However, we also see that Li Yuchun in the four years achieved achievements, her popularity and influence who also can not be obliterated. Although Li Yuchun every day accompanied by abusive and vulgar suspicion, but she is very low key, has been unwavering position itself to voices from the grassroots to enlarge and gradually become the mainstream. This in itself, Li Yuchun will be eligible settled in Wax Museum, In addition, Li Yuchun, and Jackson himself did not specifically compare, but said he was pleasantly surprised, continue to contribute to better music. Can the so-called Li Yuchun and Jackson, but is deliberately finding fault Bale par.
from obscurity to become a million Moncler students in pursuit of the star, Li Yuchun has always stressed that he is still that to enter the industry, she does not like any false things. countersunk practice piano for three months, at ease playing and singing in concert, so that the boss wp-day entertainment and general manager Song Ke, too stunned and Jimmy ;. love of Latin dance music, buy all kinds of cd, free to learn drums, this is Li Yuchun's simple and happy life. the opportunity for each person only has one, is 100% caught up, catch up is not 100%. Li Yuchun's success lies not only caught up with her, and beyond.

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