Monday, October 18, 2010

This wax figure made carefully after nearly six months after the official and public meeting today.

This wax figure made carefully after nearly six months after the official and public meeting today. Yuchun has become Ms. Du Sha Tussauds Shanghai now the youngest member. Her wax figure was placed on Wax Museum is in itself an honor, especially corn who is extremely crazy, proud. Indeed, Li Yuchun's personal charm and social influence growing, more and more fans were singing and her impressed by the spirit of struggle.
that Li Yuchun yes yes representatives of Chinese pop music culture, this is not an exaggeration, because she has to go forward in the music of the times Christian Louboutin Sale and continue to make breakthroughs achieved remarkable results; that Li Yuchun is a contemporary Chinese youth leaders, this is not surprising, because the persistent belief in her dream, not only the spirit of struggle, there has always been committed to the cause of a heart charity, has been deeply influenced a new generation of young people in China. .Since the August 2005 debut since Li Yuchun personal music albums, concerts and always maintain a good reputation. just four years, the mainland of China Spring Spring, which won major music awards music awards ceremony weight, but became the first two to board U.S. achievement and the complacency it? Yes, Li Yuchun, and Jackson is a bit less than the up, after all, her debut 4 years before, there are many things that need to accumulate.

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