Friday, October 1, 2010

in the long life of practice

in the long life of practice, people develop from the hunting out of livestock, agriculture developed by the acquisition. hunting property livestock is a storage, and agriculture is the number of the collected material an artificial strengthening. from the history of human development, early human and not Herve Leger Bandage Dress concentrated in the river valley or plain, but more concentrated in the highland mountains. its for two reasons: First, ease of acquisition, ease of hunting, easy place to live; one easy to escape the attack of other animals, to facilitate self-survival. the discovery of agriculture about So far 10 thousand to 12 thousand years ago, the first ice age receded, the world's first agricultural appeared in Southeast Asia.
Thailand, soybeans found Herve Leger Dress in the Fairy Cave, dating to 970 BC was determined. China's agriculture, about 6,000 years ago, First developed in the northwest loess plateau area (millet was the main crop, is the ancient Chinese agriculture). the discovery and rapid development of agriculture for the survival of humanity opens a new world of various sizes of primitive tribes good here the rise is quickly formed a strong tribal alliance. legendary Huangdi is the chief of the tribal alliance. Huangdi lived in Northern area, which has not a legend, but the truth of history, much of the information was also This was confirmed. such Herve Leger Dresses as says: Shu is tied to the mountains. Song of the hair tied after, armed a foot, when people do not know, are set out in the Chang'an, Emperor asked his ministers, monensin know, Liu Zizheng (Liu Xiang, when the court's Jianyi doctor) say: this is a negative II also!

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